
Amazon's Black Friday Deals Galore

RogueOne11/25/2011 6:01:37 am PST

This is a few days old but it’s new to me:

Davis pizza store loses $200 in fake orders for Lt. John Pike

DAVIS, CA - Police are trying to figure out who is making fake orders at a Davis Domino’s store using an address posted online as Lt. John Pike’s.

Owner Jose Delgado believes the orders are a prank against Lt. Pike, who pepper-sprayed protesters last Friday at UC Davis.

According Delgado, an unknown person made more than 40 orders to his Domino’s store, on the 2000 block of Lyndell Terrace.

“That is unfortunate,” Assistant Professor at UC Davis Matthew Stratton said. “I think if anything it speaks to the fact that people aren’t quite sure whom to hold responsible or how to react in the face of these kinds of situations.”

The first order was placed on Friday night around 9 p.m. A Domino’s worker delivered to the address provided, but a man answered the door and said he didn’t order the pizza, Delgado said.

On Saturday, the same situation occurred. When more orders were placed on Sunday, Delgado realized the orders were fake and refused service.

It only took the owner 3 days and a half dozen pizzas to figure it out.