
Fact Checking: 'Obama DHS Purchases 2,700 Light-Armored Tanks'

TANSTAAFLusa3/13/2013 12:49:02 pm PDT

re: #24 Mattand

“You’re more well-written than most, but you’re striking me as one of those “patriots” who really wants another Waco or Ruby Ridge to fulfill your “The Gubmint out to git me” fantasies.

Being skepictal of government is not the same thing as being absurdly paranoid of it. And I’m willing to bet you were fine with the feds up until January 2009.”

First, thank you for recognizing my superb rhetorical skills! ;)

Second, I am from Berkley, CA so I say “Federal Government (Fed)” or “Domestic Law Enforcement Agencies” or “Law Enforcement Officers (LEO)”, not “Gubmit”.

Third, Waco and Ruby Ridge were perfect examples of overzealous DLEA and LEO driven by a Federal Government that encourages such behavior by: offering surplus military equipment to DLEA, giving huge funding incentives to buy these new “toys” (typically tied to the ridiculous war on drugs), and a desire by politicians to look “tough on crime”. They were both awful wastes of lives that were unnecessary, so no I wouldn’t want such a thing to occur again for any reason.

Fourth, you are the one mistaking skepticism for paranoia. I am hiding out in a bunker, declaring war on the US, buying guns or gold, or exaggerating facts to gain support. Those are folks that I don’t support and they have an much reflection on me as they do on you. You, on the other hand, chose to ignore that DLEA having 10 of these MRAPS is a bad thing that will only encourage increased raids and SWAT-like tactics because you are disgusted with people who try to use such facts to their own “kooky” ends.

“I’m willing to bet you were fine with the feds up until January 2009.”
You would lose the bet. I was disgusted by GWB (and Cheney, Rumsfeld etc) and the whole GOP for their corporate cronyism, inflation of economic bubbles, reckless spending, military adventurism/imperialism, PATRIOT ACT, use of Gitmo for indefinite detention, continuation of the Drug War etc etc.
I, however, am equally disgusted by President Obama’s eagerness to continue such policies.