
Overnight Open Thread

Dustyvet4/03/2009 8:58:28 am PDT

re: #1192 pre-Boomer Marine brat

What an idiot!

“Dispatcher: “911.”Female Caller: “I am trapped in my house.”Dispatcher:

“Trapped? Is someone holding you there?”Female Caller: “Someone? No. But

there is a frog on the front porch.”Dispatcher: “A frog?”Female Caller:

“Yes, a frog.”Dispatcher: “Okay, but what is preventing you from leaving

the house?”Female Caller: “I told you. There is a frog on the front porch

and I am afraid of frogs.”Dispatcher: “And you don’t have another door to

the house?”Female Caller: “No. There is only one door and I can’t get out

of the house with the frog sitting there.”Dispatcher: “Why don’t you take a

broom and sweep the frog off the porch?”Female Caller: “I can’t do that. I

told you, I am afraid of frogs. He might get me.”Dispatcher: “Um…I’m not

sure I can help you with
