
Joe the Plumber Speaks Out Against 'Queers'

American Sabra5/06/2009 10:35:20 am PDT

re: #1161 capitalist piglet

I don’t understand - please help me. On one hand, you seem to validate what buzz has stated (as I have, at least in terms of anecdotal evidence), but directly after you suggest he is being discriminatory simply because he stated it. If he is correct, can he also be discriminatory? The use of the word “conspiracy” (referring to the aims of the gay community, I assume) is probably what is tripping me up when trying to understand your post - is there another way of saying what you intended to say?

I’m confused over your confusion! He’s right. Many gay men do like straight guys or straight “acting” guys. Others like queens. What I consider his conspiracy is the 1-4 Level business. It was very methodical and I don’t believe that’s accurate. Particularly the Queer Theory which is probably at the bottom of most of this. It puts emphasis on choice rather than biology, as if gays were behind some nefarious plan to ensnare the unwilling straight male, separating them from the pack to indoctrinate them with their gayness…. or something. It’s really out there to me. Am I to believe that men are so weak that they are incapable of standing up for themselves and saying no to gay sex? I mean really.