
CNN: Trump Had to Be Stopped From Lashing Out at Robert Mueller

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/31/2017 6:09:19 pm PDT

re: #5 FormerDirtDart

There’s about 2 lbs of candy calling out to me ‘No one is coming, let’s get this binge ON”

Trick or treating is on at Chez Tumbleweed …

Ranchers from the surrounding area bring their children into the village for trick or treating, as that’s kind of tough to do when the nearest house is two miles away. As such, we get a lot more children than live in town.

Whichever marketing guru came up with the phrase “fun sized” for half-bite candies should be horsewhipped. (We give out real candy bars, which makes us a popular stop.)