
Rachel Corrie and her Dedication to Peace

Aye Pod9/01/2012 1:07:53 pm PDT

re: #7 SanFranciscoZionist

Following Corrie’s accidental death she was deliberately and and aggressively marketed as a martyr, murdered by the evil IDF. This marketing included books, plays, ships named for her…her name became a rallying cry for the same people who taught her their warped version of history and their twisted version of ‘peace activism’, and encouraged her to play chicken with bulldozers in the brush.

She was undoubtedly an idealist, but if she wanted to help the Palestinian people, she chose a (fatally) bad group to pin her hopes on. That’s about as kind as I can be. Dreadful judgment and the arrogance of youth should not be a death sentence, but they sometimes are.

About the ISM, I won’t be kind. They are horrible people.

Opening a can of sardines with a rusty tin opener can be a death sentence.

The creepy gloating of extremists and ‘Israel supporting’ wingnuts over the death of a naive person is what I remember from the last 8 years.