
A Hilarious Bad Lip Reading Remix: Ted Cruz's GOP Convention Speech

A Mom Anon7/26/2016 6:17:38 am PDT

re: #79 Sherlock Hound

it also doesn’t help that organizations like Goodwill pay their disabled employees less than minimum wage and can do so legally. All while their CEO rakes in more money a year than our family sees in 10. Or that programs designed to help people get to work almost always steer their clients into and have partnerships with companies that pay minimum wage and offer little opportunity for raises and promotions. We’re dealing with that now in our house. I’m happy my son is working, but the company he works for is not promoting him or offering a raise and he’s been there close to a year now. They also won’t give him a full time job, squeaking him in at just under 30 hours a week. Disabled does not mean incapable, and it pisses me off to no end that in 2016 that still needs to be said.