
Samantha Bee Backs the Bus Over Paul Ryan: "Portrait in Courage"

BlueGrl212/16/2017 9:35:09 pm PST

Whelp, I’ve been on The Facebooks tonight, scheming with my fellow resistance fighters.

Our Rep is not holding any events during the break. None, nada, zip. So we’re going to hold one locally and invite him to speak to us as our special guest! We’ll even supply a lovely meal!

We’re getting a very formal invite printed up and will deliver it by hand to his office. We’re confident he will be very enthusiastic to meet his constituents. We’re all quite flexible on time or location, we know he’s quite busy so we’re happy to work with him.

But just in case he’s not able to swing it, someone already made a life size cardboard cutout of him we can use in his absence. We have a lot of questions.

Yeah. Local media has already been informed. They’ll be with us at every step.

I suggested we dressed his cardboard cutout in drag to protest our latest trans bathroom nonsense but was gently overridden. Pity, that.