
Overnight Open Thread

aussiemagpie4/03/2009 8:58:48 am PDT

re: #1172 Irish Rose

Oh geeze, that’s horrible.
I used to work as a crossing guard, and I saw some of the most appalling behavior imaginable coming from drivers that should know better. Driving like a bat out of hell through crossings before the kids even reach the curb, driving in between students going across.

I actually got hit by one guy in my second year, it was a graze but he knocked me down in the middle of the street and knocked the sign out of my hand before he took off… terrified the kids at my crossing. I gave the police a good description of the vehicle but they never caught him.

Hello {Irish Rose}

I’m appallled that the dregs of society are let loose to create havoc and kill people - it’s commonplace here too

Bleeding heart judges and civil libertarians with the interests of criminals at heart, and not victims

Our school crossing guards are called Lollipop Ladies - because of the lollipop like signs they carry , and I certainly would not like to be one!

I’m glad you survived your experience with that thoughtless, selfish driver

And best wishes to you, I hope your asthma is controlled soon and you don’t have to suffer those dreadful symptoms