
Glenn Greenwald and IAVA's Paul Rieckhoff Get Into a Shouting Match on "Real Time"

Skip Intro6/21/2014 5:43:39 pm PDT

Lunatic birther and all around horrible person Orly Taitz has an idea on how to “help” “Mexican” children.

Kidnap them and drop them off at the border.

Here is an example. Recently a man was hailed as a good Samaritan when he picked up a lost child, who wandered out of the house.
Now there are a lot of lost Mexican children, who wandered into the US territory. Well, it is time for every American to become a good Samaritan and help the lost Mexican children by driving them to the border and taking them to thecustody of Mexican border patrol, so that Mexican border patrol that speaks Spanish, can reunite them with their families in Mexico.

I’d stay away from her site unless you’re running full shields up against malware, but she’s east to find if you want. She’s also licensed to practice law in California by the mythical California Bar.