
Ahmadinejad Mocks Obama's 'Change' Slogan

iceweasel6/27/2009 10:54:43 am PDT

re: #111 jcm

The problem I have so far with Obama’s statements is he can’t come out speak for freedom, liberty, self determination, consent of the governed. Instead he speaks in “measured” tones of “justice” thinking his Alinksy training has any meaning in Iran or the Arab world.

The Mullahs, hear “justice” as interpeted by them, the peons are rising up against the appointed of Allah, how dare they, justice will be handed out and it is. On their terms, not Chicago Community Organizing terms.

I get what you’re saying, but Obama’s measured statements aren’t aimed at the mullahs— they’re aimed at everyone else, most of all the people of Iran.

Many of whom, even when they’re anti-Ahmadi, aren’t exactly pro-America, and who would switch allegiances if they thought America wanted to control their election outcome.