
Krauthammer: A Better Plan for Health Care Reform

OldLineTexan8/07/2009 10:26:58 am PDT

re: #104 Mich-again

Around here property taxes pay for all your municipal services. Everyone gets their garbage picked up once a week and police and fire department protection, but the people with more expensive homes pay more for the same services.

Imagine if the cashier at McDonalds had to ask you how much your home was worth before he could tell you how much the Big Mac was going to cost you.

There’s the point. Insurance by definition is a POOL of money that exists and pays more to the injured member than the uninjured member.

If the pool has different levels of INPUT, it should have different levels of OUTPUT.

I pay MORE for my insurance (employer-sponsored) than a single person. However, they do not take into account how many are in my family. By definition this is UNFAIR.

However, no one in my family USES the benefits to the extent that some single people I know personally do. That is also UNFAIR.

Now what? Is EVERYTHING broken? Not in my experience, and I continue to pay more for my INSURANCE to INSURE me against catastrophic losses that MIGHT HAPPEN.

My property insurance (and probably yours) skyrocketed after Hurrican Andrew. I have no home in Florida …

I hope the point is clearer.