
Frum Forum Asks a Question That Answers Itself

SanFranciscoZionist5/06/2011 12:10:20 pm PDT

re: #85 HappyWarrior

Isn’t McKellen classically trained? I am sure he could do it. I’ve always been impressed by British actors ability to mimic Americans. I saw Recount and two Brits- John Hurt and Tom Wilkinson played Warren Christopher and James Baker convincingly. It’s too bad that most American actors can’t do Brits like they can us. Has anyone else ever noticed that? You see British/Irish actors able to play Americans but not really vice versa.

The guy who plays Jack Harkness in Torchwood and Dr. Who isn’t actually American. Apparently he did the whole audition in an American accent, though, and they didn’t realize until after they’d hired him that it’s not his usual one.

I’d also like to mention Hugh Laurie in this context.

However, going the other way, Renee Zellweger doesn’t do a bad Brit.