
Sam Donaldson on the Daily Caller

Dark_Falcon6/17/2012 5:50:05 am PDT

The Tea Party has to dump another turkey:

An elderly Tea Party leader has been forced to step down after telling a racist joke during a rally.

Inge Marler surprised party members with a quip about black welfare recipients that she said she found online.

She was apparently using the inappropriate joke as an ice-breaker prior to her speech on June 9 and had given no warning that she would be telling it.

‘I had no idea,’ Richard Caster, founder of the Ozark Tea Party, told the Huffington Post.

‘She had given me her whole speech, and it was about her growing up in Yugoslavia and coming to America.

‘I am on stage and then she said something not like what she gave me. I was shocked. I looked at the guy next to me and he said “oh my gosh”.’

In the joke, Marler describes a black child asking his mother what a democracy is.

‘Well, son, that be when white folks work every day so us poor folks can get all our benefits,’ the mother responds.

I included the HuffPo link, but had to use the DM article because HuffPo did not say what the racist joke was.