
Overnight Open Thread

Taqiyyotomist3/30/2009 8:57:48 am PDT

re: #1188 Afrocity

Hey Lizard pals, a friend just gave me a link to this video with Kay Baily Hutchinson (R-Texas) and Hillary Clinton speaking at a women’s museum. It is actually very nice to see.


No offense, but f**&* Hilary. She just received the “Margaret Sanger Award” from PP at a “gala event” on Friday, and brags about it on her site at state.

What kind of piece of dog s*** would even receive this award, (named in “honor” of a eugenicist who wanted to kill blacks and the “mentally unfit” and wanted to “purify” the gene pool through the panacea of abortion, then brag about it. F*** Hilary Clinton.