
Overnight Open Thread

jvic7/31/2009 9:06:43 am PDT

re: #1009 iceweasel

I just can’t believe that it’s that many people. God, I hope not. But with Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Bachmann, and others out there spreading this manure…maybe it’s affecting more people than we think. I hope not.

Remember how, in the teeth of public disapproval, the GOP insisted on impeaching Clinton after the Lewinsky scandal broke. (Sure sure…they impeached him for lying about sex not for the sex itself…they had no choice…it was their sacred Constitutional trust…yeah yeah…) Instead of a GOP landslide as a disgraced Clinton was kept twisting in the wind, only Gore’s incompetence prevented an easy Democrat victory in 2000.

And here we go again.

Imagine the Republican race in 2012 as Palin, Paul and Huckabee debate the nuances of nirtherism—and gang up on whoever ventures to utter a sane sentence.
In 1994 Bill Clinton was considered all but unreelectable. He rethought his Administration from the ground up and wound up with an objectively successful Presidency notwithstanding how he disgraced the office.

Therefore, here’s hoping that Obama’s popularity collapses as soon as possible.