
Wikileaks Revenge Hacker Arrested in Netherlands

Killgore Trout12/09/2010 5:25:21 pm PST

A hilarious article from Slate….
Most scientists in this country are Democrats. That’s a problem.

A Pew Research Center Poll from July 2009 showed that only around 6 percent of U.S. scientists are Republicans;…

As a first step, leaders of the scientific community should be willing to investigate and discuss the issue. They will, of course, be loath to do so because it threatens their most cherished myths of a pure science insulated from dirty partisanship. In lieu of any real effort to understand and grapple with the politics of science, we can expect calls for more “science literacy” as public confidence begins to wane. But the issue here is legitimacy, not literacy. A democratic society needs Republican scientists.