
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

Bagua11/18/2009 10:27:05 pm PST

re: #1209 LudwigVanQuixote

Now you have really crossed the line.

I am a false Jew for standing up for the rule of law? You don’t know a thing about it.

What you claim to be Jewish law based upon your claim of authority. I dispute that Jewish law permits your vile speech and slander.

I am a false scientist for what? Proving you wrong on other threads with real data, facts and figures?

You’ve proved nothing, I have caught you in histrionic exaggerations and have made the case that real professionals do not speak as you do.

You disgust me. You’re a little web snot. You don’t really stand for anything at all do you?

Again, more vile insults, you are an unpleasant man and I am not interested in your approval. You really drag down most every thread you participate in and you insult many good and descent posters here with your vile and profane rants.

Why can you not debate things civilly like most everyone else here? Why all the anger, insults and hatred?