
Anti-gay pundits deplete national supply of Nazi comparisons, irony

Dark_Falcon4/05/2014 2:32:03 pm PDT

re: #84 Amory Blaine

Yes the GOP forced the release of all those who signed the Scott Walker recall petition along with their personal information. And are enforcing exclusion from political activity based on who signed it.

Scott Walker pulls student’s regents appointment over recall petition

Honestly, that one doesn’t bother me at all. Joshua Inglett put his opposition to Scott Walker in writing, only to have Walker win the recall election and find out about it. Now, Inglett must pay the price for having gone against the governor and lost.

Given the level of calumny and vitriol aimed at him by Wisconsin Democrats, a certain amount of vindictiveness by Gov. Walker is appropriate in my mind. There is such a thing as being too forgiving.