
Palin Claims Fire in Belly

goddamnedfrank5/21/2011 8:45:25 pm PDT

re: #118 marjoriemoon

I think that’s kinda bullshit, even if they feel that way. Obama’s policies haven’t changed since Bush. This from 2005.


I mean, I would think they’re upset about the land swap/deals portion of Obama’s speech. Did they say anything about the above when it happened?

It’s an old refrain, only good conservative Christians know what’s best for the Jews. You see this shit all the time on Freerepublic and other far right websites:

When Will American Jews Wake Up and Smell the Holocaust? ^ | May 20, 2011 | Tax Nomo
Posted on May 20, 2011 7:15:20 PM PDT by SquarePants

I honest don’t know why I do it. I guess I just can’t help myself. I guess maybe I just enjoy reminding myself that Democrats have lost touch with reality.

One of my coworkers in my office building in Manhattan is a very liberal Democrat, and I just can’t help occasionally polling his opinion on the political goings-on. I’ve known him for two years and so far, on pretty much every matter about which we’ve spoken, his answer to pretty much everything is that it’s “Bush’s fault.”

Lately I’ve tired of the game, and haven’t really spoken politics with him since he managed to do a u-turn on the general topic of war and tried to tell me how Obama’s Libya war was a great idea. Mind you, this is a fellow Vice President of a successful company, and a Jew to boot.

So, after Obama tossed Israel to the wolves yesterday, and demanded concessions from Israel that would, if ever agreed to, pretty much guarantee the destruction of Israel, I just couldn’t help myself from thinking that maybe, just maybe, Obama’s latest betrayal would have him finally seeing the light.

No dice. When I asked him what he thought of Obama’s speech yesterday, he said he thought it was great… and that Obama would have his hands full un-doing all the damage George Bush did to the peace process in the Middle East…. I cut him off. I told him I thought maybe he had a point. His eyes brightened as I told him yes, if we can rely on Obama to do as good a job delivering peace to the Middle East as he did closing Gitmo, ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and keeping his promise to run the most transparent administration in American history, you Jews probably don’t have anything to worry about. Then I tossed a contract on his desk and walked out.

His eyes weren’t as bright when I left… but it was all I could do to resist telling him to wake up and smell the holocaust. It simmers constantly, but Obama just turned it up to a boil.

The comments are even better:

Like blacks and latinos, American Jews are a voting block that is taken for granted by the democrat party. The party takes their money and votes and plays them like a dime store kazoo.

They can be counted on to vote for their own demise. Look what the black community has done to its children as the result of democrat party loyalty.

Perhaps you should have an educational experience in the parking lot….unless he/she is bigger than you…lol

Are most Jews cattle?… or goats?..
Not all are democrats but so many are..
when dealing with a Jew one must listen for the “MOO”…
And the overriding obsession to be milked..

The only explanation lies in the bible. Read Ezekiel.

Rush on his show today explained that Jews are Liberals first, Jews second. Same with the blacks. They will all vote democratic no matter what. Still, makes no sense to us right thinkers, though.


Problem is after two decades of vilifying Evangelical Christians and they wonder why conservatives are starting to get more Ron Paul/Buchanan lite in their feelings toward the Jewish demand to shed conservative blood to save Israel in a hopeless war.