
Twitter Restores White Supremacist Leader Richard Spencer's Account, and Verifies Him

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/11/2016 7:43:18 am PST

I’d bet the DoE employs, by far, more PhDs in physics than any other organization on the planet, either directly in the Civil Service, as through contracts in its own laboratory system.

What will GoodHair or Heitkamp or especially Washburne do when in a room full of those folk? Do any of these candidates actually know what the DoE does?

And why would Heitkamp in particular want to be involved? She’s a Democrat, and taking her out of her seat is a way for Trump to reduce the Democrat count in the Senate, which is a win for him, but why would she want the job?

Is her name simply thrown out there because she’s from North Dakota and someone convinced Trump that ND has this great oil boom that would be greater if not for all those nasty gov’t regulations (about which the DoE has nothing to do?)