
The Bob Cesca Show: Vulnerable Transgender Fetus

Targetpractice12/19/2017 8:35:16 pm PST

re: #123 Hecuba’s daughter

I don’t think they actually understand but they think that the wealthy donors will compensate for their dismissal of their constituents’ concerns. They believe that a few commercials and the constant propaganda from Fox and Sinclair will persuade their voters to continue to support them because the other side is evil, anti-gun, pro-minority, etc. Others have said that downstream — the voters vote against their own interest as long as there is someone else they can demonize.

And there’s truth to it. We like to tell ourselves that the voters are waking up, that they’re beginning to see the GOP for who they are and will take action. But we have to remember again that all (or at least most) politics are local and everybody tells themselves that it’s not their local/state rep who’s the problem…its everybody else who is the problem. It’s how Congressional incumbents enjoy a better than 90% chance of being reelected, because when the time comes voters decide that they like “their guy” too much to elect “the other guy.”