
Video: Dawkins vs. Wright

SixDegrees8/05/2009 5:37:49 pm PDT

re: #96 albusteve

are these people fiscal conservatives?…if they are then how does the GOP denounce their agenda?

By pointing out that imposing one’s religious fews on others through the power of the state is fundamentally about as anti-Conservative as it is possible to get, and noting that while Conservatism strives to allow the individual as much freedom as possible to pursue their own goals - including living their lives according to their own religious precepts - it will never support the state forcing any religion on anyone. Thanks for your votes, we’re happy that we were able to create an environment where you’re free to practice your religion, but if you want to establish a theocracy, bugger off.

It’s really just that simple. There may be intersecting areas, like fiscal responsibility, but that doesn’t mean that a political movement is forced to accept all the non-overlapping areas along with.