
Overnight Ocean Thread

Spider mensch10/30/2009 6:08:24 am PDT

re: #118 SixDegrees

Heh. When we were in Washington state, we noticed that the whole place is lousy with eagles. They’re everywhere. Out in the Sound, we saw a group of them on a small island, chowing down on what turned out to be a baby seal - which disturbed the other tourists to no end. How to reconcile this? A protected species killing and eating…a baby seal! Horror of horrors.

My comment - which was to wonder aloud what roasted eagle fed out on seal might taste like - was not well received.

I expect eagles will be de-listed shortly. They’ve made a remarkable comeback, even back here in the Midwest, and don’t seem to need special protections anymore.

I live basically about 5 miles out of NYC boardering the New jersy meadowlands, supposedly there has been recent sighting of bald eagles right here in our back yard (the meadowlands). While I try to keep an eye out, I have not personally seen them. but here is a local report…

anyhow, point being if the bald eagles are living here, then yes, they have made a comeback.