
Midday Open Thread

Unakite3/19/2010 9:29:24 pm PDT

re: #792 CapeCoddah

Wow, what a sad commentary. My husband was married the first time at 17, worked full time, finished high school, parented and started his own company. All before 20, and from a middle class family.
His father would have keeled over dead at the thought of any parent having to support a 25 year old.
I guess no one should be responsible for themselves anymore. I have a 21 year old brother in college, getting so much child support from my father that my dad cant pay his own bills, we have to help him. My brother knows he is really hurting dad, and could give a shit less.
My 17 year old brother, who lives with dad by choice, had support ordered also, he refused it and got 2 jobs to help dad also.

Just skimming and catching up and to add to your sad commentary: my dad (and mother) lived during the depression, and maybe there are a few people that still feel responsible for their own well-being. My grandfather worked in coal mines in Pennsylvania and my dad was one of nine kids that he had to support. I was taught a lesson (not all teachers are in schools :))about responsibility…that lesson was that other people have their own problems and are not responsible for yours.