
Van Jones on the Sherrod Debacle

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/27/2010 6:38:54 am PDT

re: #118 McSpiff

Sorry, was basing this on the idea that inefficiency is something undesirable. If its a goal, its probably not an inefficiency. Put words in your mouth there.

No problem. And I quite agree with your larger point: many times what the government does is inherently ‘inefficient’ from a market perspective— and that’s precisely why the government has to do it; the private markets will never provide it.

Its the secondary employment where it becomes key. Same thing with farm subsidies, military bases, etc. All used to inject money into the local economy. Even infrastructure projects are used for this. The idea of pork isn’t particularly new or exciting.

I’m just saying that as long as we have pork, it can be for things that are needed and good. I don’t think we need to incarcerate as many people as we do. I think it’s rather terrible, actually.

In many places that would work just fine. The problem is areas now being dependent on the federal money. So we end the drug war, close down a few prisons. What replaces them? What could go there that wouldn’t be equally wasteful? You can only build so many interstates, hire so many town cops. At some point you need a primary employer, which is what prisons, and military bases and other federal jobs create.

The amount of infrastructure work that really needs doing in the US could last us a long, long while— and right now, of course, what we really need is a gigantic, huge, enormous push towards energy efficiency and alternative energy. That is where we should be seeing huge amounts of growth in government spending and jobs.

We aren’t, though. And likely won’t.