
Why Do Conservatives Fear Gay Marriage?

Nyet5/18/2012 5:57:53 am PDT

re: #117 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)

Depending on the circumstances: several decades in prison.

Which is absurd, no? There is no substantive difference in the act.

If we value a person (even the “empty” one, at the very beginning of their personhood), then we can’t ignore brain development, and in light of this the event of birth is pretty aribtrary.

Granted, every cut-off line for elective abortion will contain arbitrariness, but if we have to cut off somewhere, without also being anti-abortion fanatics thinking that personhood begins at conception, the cut-off line should correspond, if vaguely, to some stage in brain development (like formation of cerebral cortex), and will likely be earlier than birth.

Just my opinion, of course. I just don’t see the birth criterion as more coherent than others.