
Trump Now Using Golf Tee Markers With the Presidential Seal at His Courses (Which Is Illegal)

ObserverArt3/05/2018 12:34:49 pm PST

It just occurred to me. Wasn’t the NBC release of the news last night about Mueller asking for these emails stated as being ONE witness and his emails to the list of people?

Here is the opening paragraph of the NBC story from last night:

WASHINGTON — The grand jury investigating alleged collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has sent a witness a subpoena seeking all documents involving the president and a host of his closest advisers, according to a copy of the subpoena reviewed by NBC News.

Link to the article if anyone missed it.

NBC - Special counsel wants documents on Trump, numerous campaign associates

You know who’s name wasn’t on the list?

Sam Nunberg.

Hmmmm. Sam…you are in the spotlight. You might want to pipe down…or you will be under another light in a dark room being grilled Nunberg.

This may be why he is mouthing off?

Anyone else leaning this way?