
More Innocent Torture Victims Suddenly Become Jihad Warriors

El Supremo2/04/2009 9:54:55 am PST

re: #105 zelnaga

Has Obama actually released anyone from Gitmo, yet? I thought it was all still in the planning stages.

That said, it does seem possible that even an innocent person held at Gitmo would turn to terrorism, afterwards. Of course, if an innocent person did turn to terrorism, after Gitmo, that kinda begs the question… why don’t people falsely accused of murder, in the United States, murder people, afterwards? It seems to me that most of them would just be glad that there out, yet for Gitmo, it seems like most will probably turn to terrorism, and I don’t understand why. Prejudice, on my part, perhaps, but it seems like the social dynamics are what’s, ultimately, to blame. I’m not sure what, specifically, about them, is different.

John Bolton said “When you deal with people who desire life in the hereafter more than life on earth, traditional means of deterence will not work.”