
Guardian's '2010 Buzz Words' Takes Swipe at Assange

Usually refered to as anyways12/26/2010 4:35:05 pm PST

re: #125 Obdicut

It’s just weird to me that you’re spending so much time commenting on Wikileaks without knowing some of the basic stuff around it.

The flip side of the media being idiots is people not doing the research on their own. Especially given the huge number of tools available to do it with.

I couldn’t believe how many people didn’t know Wikileaks had released the CRU emails. I can’t believe how many don’t know that the Collateral Murder— and Wikileaks chose that title, too— video was edited.

I knew there were two videos, the unedited being released first.
I did not know who did the editing.

I knew a unedited version had been released.
I did not know who released it.

As I said, I had not watched either of the videos.

Happy holidays