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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/23/2012 4:41:46 pm PDT

Speaking of Pat Condell, Steyn, and the rest, I see that VDH today jumps on the bandwagon(s) and blends Christian-persecution-by-the-Government with the APOLOGIES!! meme, apparently in an attempt to win a multiple hat trick (APOLOGIES!! + Christian victimization + UN! + ISLAM!!) in wingnut metaphors:

Please, No More Apologies For Free Speech

This week amid the theatrics at the United Nations, let us hope that President Obama and his lieutenants do not persist with the ongoing administration de facto apologies for the views of a crude American filmmaker […]

What has been especially galling about Secretary of Clinton’s chronic hedging, and the apologies aired on Pakistani television, […]

Second, Muslim outrage over an amateurish trailer for a probably non-existent video coincides with an ongoing hit Broadway play ridiculing the Mormon Church, the reappearance of the once government-subsidized Piss Christ photos, and so on. When the administration apologizes for the excess of a private individual, but ignores condemnation of far more widely disseminated similar venom, some of it sponsored by the U.S. government, it is making a policy statement — we dare not tamper with free speech unless it touches upon Islam, not out of principle but because of sheer cowardice.

VDH must be planning for more cruise-ship ticket sales, with all those buttons he’s pushing there.