
Video: Katrina Pierson Face-Plants Majestically on CNN

BeachDem8/13/2016 1:51:29 pm PDT

re: #104 ObserverArt

Thanks BeachDem!

I admire your consistency and honesty. You would be a good person to work with on a campaign.

Aw shuck, thanks. You’ll love this—we’re working on lining up a speaker for our county fundraising dinner in September. Our new chair thought the perfect person would be NINA TURNER. I was up in Boston when I heard that idea, but I’m guessing they could hear me scream NO quite clearly.

Bernie support and crass comments made by her aside, what is this fascination with her on the left? She’s won one election when she ran unopposed, then abandoned ship to run her idiotic campaign for SoS. I just don’t understand why people think she’s all that and a bag of chips. One of my friends, who is actually a strong Hillary supporter, calls Nina her “Shero” (a term that makes my teeth hurt) and I just don’t get it.