
iPhone 3.0 Preview

zombie3/16/2009 1:00:31 pm PDT

re: #107 Researcher…MO

Jailbreaking unlocks the iphone, allowing for a much wider range of functionality as well as the ability to use a different carrier. It can be tricky, especially on the 3G phones, but I have been jailbroken for over a year on my 2g (first generation) iphone. Since there is no 3G service where I live, I don’t need the 3G. BUT, jailbreaking is NOT for everyone, and if you aren’t very confident and good at solving problems, I wouldn’t advise it. I jailbreak for myself and my boyfriends iTouch (1g), it takes hours to get everything back in order, and I have “bricked” both devices several times. All worth it!

You don’t need to do it yourself. I am totally non-tech-savvy, and I was able to do it in 20 minutes, with no bricking. All I did was search for pre-made solutions which people had posted.