
Overnight Open Thread

SixDegrees6/02/2009 1:50:07 am PDT

re: #95 Van Helsing

It’s most amusing to watch the video where the One is touting clean coal as such a wonderful thing that we can do cuz we put a man on the man in less than a decade juxtaposed with the one where he says ‘sure you can build a coal plant but the carbon costs will bankrupt the company.

Maybe ‘amusing’ isn’t the correct word.

I’m also trying to figure out how health care costs have to be ‘dealt with’ before the economy can recover…

Shall we start a pool on whether the carbon tax, er cap and trade scheme gets voted into law?

Followed by the pool for how long it takes for the administration to notice that this has a ‘disproportionate’ effect on the poor and they’ll need energy subsidies and I wonder who’ll pay for that?

Is there something wrong with nuke plants? They are the cleanest, most environmentally friendly source of energy, no matter how you calculate such things.

Burning coal will release far more radioactive material into the environment than a continent’s worth of nuclear plants ever will, no matter how much ‘scrubbing’ you do.