
Donald Trump Threatens to Physically Fight "Black Lives Matter" Protesters

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines8/11/2015 8:49:22 pm PDT

I see that this famous Bob Hope line from The Ghost Breakers (1940) is making the wingnut rounds again.

Best Bob Hope movie line

I happen to know that my great uncle Sam Rayburn, “Mr. Democrat” and Speaker of the House at the time, got a real kick out of this line and was very fond of Bob Hope.
FDR’s Republican opponent that year was Wendell Wilkie. Like Harold Stassen or the 1936 loser, Alf Landon, he was another great Republican statesman who is almost forgotten today and who would be unrecognizable to the present day GOP. He became an ally of the Roosevelt administration after his electoral defeat, traveled all over the world as FDR’s personal representative during World War II, and wrote a remarkable book, One World. This recounted his travels, both before and after 1940, and took a position advocating what would now be called one world government. He was also an ardent and sometimes daring civil rights activist. Unlike Stassen, who lived into the present century, or Landon, who lived to be 101, Wilkie died suddenly at the peak of his career in 1944. He was 52.