
Bill Maher and the Pyre of Stupidity

Damned Architect11/18/2009 1:50:32 pm PST

re: #120 Kruk

Surabaya, what happens to people with a pre-existing condition if the employer switches policies? Is the insurance company obliged to accept them with the condition covered, or can a condition that was covered previously be deemed in-eligible?

My understanding is that once an insurance company accepts a business as a client, it is obliged to accept all its employees. However, they can check into their employees and see if any of them have expensive pre-existing conditions, and adjust their prices accordingly. My previous firm was made up of primarily young people, so we didn’t have anybody who was high-cost.

However, my firm before that had an employee that came down with cancer, so they didn’t change insurance providers for years until they let the employee go recently; after which they got a new provider! I pray that these 2 facts are unrelated, but my gut tells me otherwise…