
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

McSpiff11/18/2009 10:57:42 pm PST

re: #1253 LudwigVanQuixote

Fair enough. I don’t need to fight Guaxni’s battles for him anyways. Figured id just clarify what I meant by that comment. This thread was so fast and furious I might have mentally put words in your mouth. I still disagree with much of what you said in this thread, and still label 90% of it as hyperbole. I’d be happy to help you go through the evidence from NK, the USSR, China and other authoritarian regimes to help you understand why the comparisons you made are so hurtful to some people. I truly believe there is a difference between whats occurred at Gitmo and Abu Grab, and the fact that the USSR had prison camps so large that entirely new cities had to be founded to administrate the entire thing. You’re free as always to disagree however. Ain’t America grand?