
Mother Jones Blows the Whistle on Bill O'Reilly's Numerous "War Zone" Lies

TedStriker2/19/2015 7:10:32 pm PST

re: #125 alpuzzzzz (I, R & sometimes why?)

Yup, and he’s just one of the pricks that makes up the Wisconsin GoP. *sigh*

I know people, well meaning people who vote for this prick out of spite. It’s the most bizarre thing. I have family that called to remind me they ‘cancelled out my vote’ last election.

Fuckin’ A… things have gotten weird here in Wisconsin.

If people, family even, are calling you to gloat that they “canceled out [your] vote”, then they aren’t “well-meaning”, they’re fucking assholes.

If they aren’t immediate family, I suggest keeping your distance and blocking their phone numbers.