
Wednesday Night Jam: Queens of the Stone Age Live and Unplugged, "Domesticated Animals"

mmmirele8/24/2017 8:09:13 am PDT

Oh blergh.

Over the weekend, POTUS Shield prayer warriors gathered at Rick Joyner’s church in South Carolina for three days of spiritual warfare against the enemies of President Trump.

Led by tsunami-stopping pastor Frank Amedia, who served as a volunteer “Christian policy liaison” for Trump’s presidential campaign, POTUS Shield was formed to cover Trump in prayer and protection by Religious Right activists who believe that Trump is to play a key role in ushering in a new prophetic era that will unite the church as they “prepare the way for the coming of the Lord.”

During the Saturday afternoon session, Amedia revealed that he will soon be traveling to Washington, D.C., to seek White House press credentials for his organization so that they can use right-wing Christian media to help spread President Trump’s message directly to his supporters.

More at the link, obviously, but OMG!

I had trouble peeling my hands away from my face long enough to type this post.