
Video: Seth Meyers Tries to Make Sense of Trump's Gun Ideas

Dangerman3/01/2018 6:28:34 am PST

re: #125 lawhawk

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the NYC metro area.

Trump’s already walked back gun control comments made just yesterday - sabotaging efforts to deal with gun violence, because yeah, he’s totally dancing to the NRA tune.

His idiocy about grabbing guns first and due process later totally fits with his persona.

After all, he called for locking up Hillary with no evidence there was even a crime. He’s got the DOJ looking at investigating Clinton and Obama for something all while everyone around him is looking ever more guilty or under suspicion of criminal wrongdoing is so many ways that a scorecard isn’t sufficient. Too many players and too many potential high crimes and misdemeanors.

Trump didn’t drain the swamp. He imported a fresh steaming pile of swamp, flooding the swamp with sewage runoff, and then gold plated it so his idiot supporters think that he’s doing a great job.

He’s managed to hoodwink his supporters.

every time he does one of these televised meetings its obvious he’s reading an old playbook

get a bunch of people in a room, he’s the meeting chairman
toss around ideas (no idea is too stupid)
until, gosh darn it, we have the bestest solution possible!

then just go out and implement it.

see? i bring the best people together and we make the best decisions.
i am the dealmaker