
North Korea Going Ahead with Missile Launch

The Other Les4/02/2009 10:16:41 am PDT

re: #14 Honorary Yooper

This has got to make the Japanese very nervous.

I originally wrote the following about the possible consequences of Hillary being elected President. Of course I was assuming that Hillary would be Beijing’s Bitch. Whereas The Big Zero is merely incompetent:

Imagine for a moment that Hillary Rodham Clinton, someone who could be reasonably expected to be Beijing’s bitch, were elected in 2008.

Would it be safe to assume that any democratic nation on the Pacific Rim would remain safe under a nuclear umbrella controlled by an American President whose party is known to have taken money from the masters of Communist China?

No. Of course not.

If Hillary, or any other Donk, wins the White House in 2008 we can be certain that there will very shortly be new members of the Nuclear Club.

Say hello to a nuclear armed Japan.

Say hello to a nuclear armed South Korea.

Say hello to a nuclear armed Taiwan.

Say hello to a nuclear armed Australia.

Who knows, perhaps the folks governing New Zealand may even pull their collective heads out of their collective asses on matters of national defense.

And all this will happen because all of these nations will have no other choice.