
Thursday Night Music: Ry Cooder, 'Waitin' For Some Girl'

iceweasel10/30/2009 4:29:29 am PDT

re: #76

So through my own observations, I’ve come to the conclusion that you and Jimmah (and perhaps a few of the newer ones) aren’t at LGF for the purpose of honestly hearing any point anyone else wants to make that doesn’t agree completely with your own

I’m sorry to come back to an old thread, but I’m still upset by this and think it’s important to set the record straight.

If I wanted to be at a blog that was a liberal echo chamber, I never would have been at LGF in the first place. There are a lot of places like that on the internet. I said just yesterday that the value of LGF for me personally lies in its being the only place I know of the net where you can genuinely find people from all across the spectrum to interact with— and in particular, I value it because of the conservative voices here, not despite them.

Moreover, liberal posters here are very far from outnumbering conservatives. Some people are having difficulty with the shift in the commentariat, IMO, or, because LGF was predominantly a right of centre commentariat for so long, having a few outspoken libs around combined with the departure of some people who were on the right—(and I will have to beg to differ here, the people who were banned do not strike me as articulate at all except in abuse, and they are no loss) — strikes people used to the ‘old’ LGF as being overwhelmed or invaded by libs. But I don’t think that’s happening.

In any case, it simply is not true and has never been true that I want to post in a place where everyone agrees with me.