
Obama Insults Disabled People

Gretchen3/19/2009 9:39:45 pm PDT

re: #1226 So?

Bush insulted our intelligence. I think that’s enough.

Hello are you paying attention to the train wreck we have in the WH?Just in the last few weeks he spent more than anyone could imagine without bothering to read the bills he signed, he then called AIG “suicide bombers” because they got bonuses his party specifically allowed in the bill. He insulted the PM of Great Britain with a cheapo set of DVDs that don’t even play on European DVD players, he sent Hillary Clinton to Russia with a button that read “overcharge”, threatened to make the military pay for war injuries with private insurance and thanked himself for a lovely meeting with the Irish PM, because he read the wrong speech on his teleprompter.

You insult our intelligence.