
Pickering and Mullen Don't Trust Darrell Issa - and They Shouldn't

Kragar5/16/2013 11:15:06 am PDT

Rep. Gohmert Furious That Holder ‘Challenged My Character’

“Because of political correctness, there was not a thorough enough investigation of Tamerlan to determine this kid had been radicalized,” Gohmert said of one of the Boston bombing suspects. “On the one hand, we go after Christian groups like Billy Graham’s group - we go after Franklin Graham’s group - but then we’re hands-off when it comes to possibly offending someone who has been radicalized as a terrorist.”

Holder responded by saying that Gohmert didn’t have access to all of the facts.

“Unless somebody has done something inappropriate, you don’t have access to the FBI files,” he said. “I know what the FBI did. You cannot know what I know.”

Gohmert bristled at the suggestion that he was making false statements, repeatedly telling Holder that he “challenged my character.”

Go eat a bag of dicks Louie. Don’t you need to go defend a golf course from the UN or something?