
Misogynist Milo Yiannopoulos Whines to WH Press Sec. Josh Earnest About Losing His Checkmark

A wild WITHAK appeared!3/04/2016 2:26:25 pm PST

re: #11 Shiplord Kirel

Aaarrrgghhh! The top Bernie bot on my Facebook page is also a goddamn chemtrail idiot/believer. His latest is an “expose” of photos from “inside chemtrail planes.” Most of them show legitimate, and publicly verifiable, ag sprayer installations produced by Biegert Aviation of Chandler Arizona. A few show such things as vapor blowoff from refueling tankers and JATO rockets, while one shows an emergency fuel dump.

This person has been unfriended.

I’m beginning to wonder if this kind of person makes up a significant portion of the #BernieOrBust types.