
RedState Proves the GOP Isn't 'Anti-Science' - By Promoting Creationism

triumphguy5/12/2009 6:31:37 pm PDT

Oh well. At least Charles recognizes there is a difference between fact and science.

If you don’t believe in creationism as the Christian Bible teaches, you don’t believe in the Bible and therefore God (I AM). No you can’t pick and choose the parts you want to believe in.

That’s your choice, of course- but lets not confuse the two. I’ve said it before, science consistently proves itself wrong, but it does affirm the teachings of the Bible.

Conservatives believe in science, Charles. We just don’t accept it to absolute. Science is the product of the minds of men.

This used to be a great site for obscure news. The best part of it now is the music- sigh. Pity.