
Tennessee Republicans Introduce Idiotic Anti-Sharia Bill Drafted by Racist Loon

Gus2/28/2011 10:09:38 am PST

Breaking news!

Senator Bill Ketron of Tennessee is a birther! Author of bill in question.

Ketron: Is president a U.S. citizen?

MURFREESBORO — Two Rutherford County legislators are sponsoring a bill that would require U.S. presidential candidates to prove to the state of Tennessee they were born U.S. citizens in order to run for office.

State Sen. Bill Ketron said he proposed the bill because he thinks President Barack Obama might be hiding the fact he was born in another country.

“Why can’t he (Obama) come forward and show he is a citizen?” Ketron said Friday, adding he has read articles stating Obama has spent $2 million from his campaign fund fighting lawsuits to keep from showing his birth certificate.


Gee. Now that’s a surprise.