
Michele Bachmann: Public Schools Should Teach Creationism

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/18/2011 12:33:23 pm PDT

re: #2

Why would any parent want to hand that huge responsibility, that obligation, over to the schools?

To me, doing this sort of thing is more identification than anything else. They want mainstream US to be conservative protestant theology; they want that to be the norm. They want to ostracize and exclude Catholics, Jews, Hindus, and any non-conservative protestants. The best way of doing that is to make that the state religion, which is really, honestly, what they’re trying to do.

They are unsure of their ability to bring their children up in their faith if their children are exposed to information which challenges that faith; no Jesuit ‘faith-through-doubt’ for them, but rather faith through eschewing all information that even challenges their worldview.