
Malkin Links to 'Buzzworthy' Anti-Israel Rant at White Nationalist Website

jayzee12/21/2009 10:47:44 am PST

re: #109 OneMonkeysUncle

With all due respect, Charles, it’s anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist. It’s not anti-Semitic, unless the conventional wisdom here is that Israel and the Jewish faith are one and indivisible.

I’m new here, and I’m not trying to be offensive or controversial. But I believe the distinction is really important. I believe - with all my heart - that Israel has a right to exist and a right to protect itself. But I also believe that we - every living human who enjoys any measure of freedom and self-determination at all - have an obligation to provide those same things for the Arabs who were displaced by the founding of Israel. Yes, it’s a long, complex, almost insoluble situation; that does not relieve Humanity of the obligation to try. Branding any and all opposition to Israel’s political and social policies as “anti-Semitic” is not helpful; it enflames an already burning pyre of human stupidity. (And having followed links here to Pammy Atlas the Augmented Breasts of Zion, so I have seen tat there’s already way more than enough of that on the Internet now…)

BULLSHIT. The reference to Krystallnacht is WITHOUT argument anti-semitic. This was an act against the Jews (not Israelis) of Germany. It uses an atrocity against the Jews and debases the real victims of that act while minimizing the evil of those that perpetrated that act.