
Exceptional: Julian Lage, "Peru"

Eventual Carrion9/11/2020 7:00:49 am PDT

re: #109 lawhawk

I saw the fire/explosion moments after and thought the same - I thought it was a small engine plane, not a large commercial passenger jet. When the second plane hit, I knew it was terrorism.

I was out back of the building at work having a smoke and my coffee. I hear a roar coming over the hill and a big jet airliner came fly over at most 1500 to 2000 feet up. I went back into the building to tell others about this way too low flying airliner. When I went into the computer room they were just hearing about what was happening. We went into the training room where there were TV’s and switched on the news. That is when we learned the whole story of what was happening.